This is MOD-Space. Here you can find past, present and future Missions. Astronauts who work with us and find out more about us. You can also send us an application to become one of ours.

happy astronaut
space station
Grow plants
Challenger tragedy
selfie of curiosity
Curiosity selfie
space robot


Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) was an American robotic space probe developed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and launched November 1996. MGS was a global mapping mission that examined the entire planet, from the ionosphere down through the atmosphere to the surface. As part of the larger Mars Exploration Program, Mars Global Surveyor performed atmospheric monitoring for sister orbiters during aerobraking, and helped Mars rovers and lander missions by identifying potential landing sites and relaying surface telemetry.

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Captain Samantha Cristoforetti, born in Milan, Italy, on 26 April 1977 Samantha Cristoforetti is an avid reader with a passion for science and technology, and an equal interest in humanities. She enjoys learning foreign languages and her current challenge is Chinese. Occasionally she finds the time to hike, scuba dive or practice yoga.

Other austronauts
samantha cristoforetti


MOD-SPACE stands for Matteo, Oliver and Daniele Space. MOD-SPACE was started on October 1, 1958, as a part of the Italian government. MOD-SPACE is in charge of Italian science and technology that has to do with airplanes or space.
MOD-SPACE does a lot of different things. MOD-SPACE makes satellites. The satellites help scientists learn more about Earth. MOD-SPACE sends probes into space. MOD-SPACE scientists study things in the solar system and even farther away. A new program will send humans to explore the Moon and, one day, Mars. MOD-SPACE also shares what they learn with others. People who do not work at MOD-SPACE can use MOD-SPACE ideas to make new inventions. These new inventions can help make life on Earth better.

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